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2013-12-27 21:16:44
听名企之声,汇众家智慧。享招聘之道,成行业专精。今日话题聚焦成为优秀面试官的三大诀窍:linstening(倾听)、curiosity(好奇)、selling(行销)。==============================TOP three tips of be...






TOP three tips of being a good interviewer

A speech in TOASTMASTER Club


I have been working in staffing function for around 10 years. Many people ask me how to have a good interview.  Here I will share three tips.


The first tip is listening

I remember the first time I interviewed a candidate; my boss (the staffing manager) accompanied me and observed my performance.  I felt extremely nervous, but I wanted to show my boss good interview skills, which I thought was to ask many questions.  As you can imagine, I dominated the whole interview and kept questioning the candidate. After the interview, my boss asked me what I remembered about the candidate. Suddenly I realized I remembered nothing about the candidate because I was focused on asking questions instead of listening. Why is listening so important? It is because listening is not only the way to understand others, but also the intelligence of interpersonal skill. It is the universal truth between friends, parents and kits, couples, and so are interviewers and candidates. If we think about this a little bit deeper, listening will make the candidate feel respected. Good listening can be demonstrated in two ways. The first is eye contact (looking at candidate’s “big triangle”, or the area from head to shoulders), and the second is taking notes.


The second tip is curiosity

If our life is a movie, we are the most important character of our own movie. As a good interviewer, we should always be curious about the interviewee’s story since this is the best way to understand another person. How do interviewers show curiosity? The answer is to ask STAR modeled questions by using a powerful and well known skill called behavioral interview. The rationale behind is the past behavior predicts the future performance. Statistics show a candidate will adopt 88% of his or her past experience into new job.


The third tip is selling

The interviewer needs to observe the candidate and make the right hiring decision, but the interviewer also needs to sell the position/company to the right candidates. The interviewer needs to be able to link the position and company to the candidate’s experience and strengths so the candidate will feel engaged and want to join the company.Even the candidate have another opportunity, he or she might like to refer to friends. In my experience, a good way to sell the firm and the position is to use storytelling skills.Interviewers can also give a testimonial about what is great about working for the company so the right candidate will be more convinced to join.


I wish everyone could keep these three tips in mind and start your interview journey.  






我一直从事招聘工作约有10年。 很多人询问我如何做一个好的面试官。 在此我想分享三个简单的诀窍。



我记得我第一次面试候选人时,我的老板(她是招聘经理)坐在旁边观察我的表现, 当时我紧张极了,即想在老板面前呈现优秀的面试技巧,又想显示自己提炼的职业的面试问题,于是我在整个面试中一个问题接一个问题不停的向候选人发问。面试结束后,我的老板问我对候选人的评价,  这时才突然发现我对候选人几乎毫无印象因为我关注于提问而没有去倾听。为什么倾听如此重要呢?因为倾听是一种了解别人的方式,更是一种与人交往的智慧。朋友之间需要倾听,父母与子女之间需要倾听,爱人之间更需要倾听, 所以面试官和候选人之间更需要倾听。让我们进一步去思考,正是因为倾听,才能使候选人有一种被尊重的感觉, 因而他们才能更好的展现自己。用心的倾听可以通过两个方面来展现。第一点是目光接触(看着候选人的大三角,或者是从头部到肩膀的区域),第二点是记笔记。



如果我们的人生是一部电影, 我们自己既是导演又是最重要的角色。作为一名出色的面试官,我们应当对候选人的故事充满好奇,因为除了面试之外,几乎不可能有其它方式让我们能在短时间去了解一名陌生人最具精华浓缩的人生职业成功故事。一名好的面试官如何呈现给你候选人你对他们的好奇心呢?答案是采用专业的招聘技巧---成功胜任力面试法去提问一系列基于STAR模型的问题,背后的原理是人们会把过去成功的行为模式和思维模式的88%复制到下一份工作当中,这是有科学统计的结果。 所以我们要通过有效地面试问题,来预测候选人在未来工作中的成功概率。



面试官不但需要通过有效地面试问题从候选人的回答中收集有效数据,然后作出正确的招聘决定,也需要向优秀的匹配候选人去推销公司的职位和公司的雇主品牌。面试官要有能力把职位和公司与候选人的体验和优势连接起来,从而使候选人通过好的面试体验被打动,愿意加入公司,或者即使候选人不考虑,他们也能推荐其他朋友。根据我的经验,最有效的宣传自己公司吸引候选人的方式是采用生动讲故事的方式。 面试官可以给出一个为何加入公司的实例或者现身说法从而使候选人感同身受,更乐意加入公司。


希望这三个经验之谈对大家有帮助, 开始你的面试之旅吧。





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