大学毕业生招聘平台Tyba 再获3100万美元融资
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2014-11-25 08:46:16
Tyba是一家致力于让科技创业公司这样的企业更加有效地招聘大学毕业生的新人招聘市场,该公司去年曾完成了由Sunstone Capital 领投的总额为1300万美元的一轮融资。如今他们再次融资3100万美元,投资的还是Sunst...

Tyba是一家致力于让科技创业公司这样的企业更加有效地招聘大学毕业生的“新人招聘市场”,该公司去年曾完成了由Sunstone Capital 领投的总额为1300万美元的一轮融资。如今他们再次融资3100万美元,投资的还是Sunstone Capital,还有一家新投资方加入——风险投资基金Impulse,隶属于全球第七大主权财富基金科威特投资局(Kuwaiti Investment Authority)。
Tyba 的理念在于用户在该平台上提供的大量职业信息可以让招聘者和求职者之间实现更加精确的匹配。目前,欧洲14个城市的500多家创业公司使用这一平台寻找大学毕业生候选员工,Tyba 希望这一数字能够增加到1000。
其竞争对手包括Collegefeed,一家将众包和社交相结合的服务,在学生和其他学生以及潜在雇主之间建立联系。Collegefeed已获180万美元融资,投资者包括Accel Partners。另一家竞争对手Graduateland 则试图打造一个基于全球各大院校的大型招聘网络。
Tyba 的三位创始人埃索·康德(Eiso Kant),佐治·施努拉(Jorge Schnura)以及菲利普·冯(Philip von)于2011年在马德里创办了这家公司,目前已有28名员工。
Tyba– a “junior recruitment market” aimed at allowing companies like tech startups to more efficiently hire university and college graduates – last year raised $1.3 million in an investment round led by Sunstone Capital. It’s now raised another $3.1 million, once again from Sunstone Capital and a new investor, the VC fund Impulse, which is part of the Kuwaiti Investment Authority (KIA), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund.
Tyba’s idea is that the large amounts of professional information that users provide on the platform allows for a more accurate matching of hirers and prospects. Currently, over 500 startups in 14 different European cities use its platform to target graduate candidates and it hopes to increase that to 1,000.
New young recruits are offered the ability to showcase themselves beyond ordinary web profiles or their CV. Then recruiters filter the information around ‘soft-skills’ and the interests of the graduates.
Its competitors include Collegefeed, a service that combines crowdsourcing with social networking to connect students with each other and potential employers. Collegefeed has raised $1.8 million from investors including Accel Partners. Another, Graduateland, is trying to create a large recruitment network based on international universities.
Tyba founders Eiso Kant, Jorge Schnura and Philip von created the company in Madrid in 2011 and it now has 28 staff.


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